Hosting Plans
*effective 9/1/24
Review our Bandwidth and Disk Usage FAQ
1. Disk Space – Disk space refers to the amount of space you have to use for your website. Your website files, emails, statistics and databases are added up to derive the overall disk space usage.2. Monthly Data Transfer – Data transfer refers to the amount of traffic your website receives. Aside from the number of users that access your website, data transfer is also dependent on how large your site files are. If you have large images and files for download, your data transfer will be more as each user will be receiving more information (data) from your website. For simple websites, every 10,000 visitors will use up about 1 GB of transfer. Data transfer readings are reset on the 1st of every month for each hosting account.
3. NEW! Your website is protected and up-to-date with the addition of iThemes Security and automated site back up and monitoring for WordPress. While no website is 100% hack-proof, these added measures will make it a whole lot harder for the black hats to break in and compromise your website. We’ve got your back!